Trevor Widger
Being a founding member of the radio station is one of the things I am most proud of from my time at Fresno State…
I was there at the very beginning. When plans to launch FSR Underground were a well-kept secret. There were applications for funding, studio construction, equipment procurement. And more than all the details about infrastructure was a vision and mission and well-crafted product goal. There was station policy research and development. There were hours and hours of music research. There were endless conversations about branding. Every detail was crafted.
And then the pandemic happened.
We were ready to launch The Fresno State Student Webcast (Nickname: “FSR Underground) on January 1, 2020. January 1, 2020. Full. Stop. (“How long will this last?” we asked ourselves.)
Two long years later, we flipped the switch at midnight. Finally, all our hard work paid off and FSR Underground went live. It was incredible to hear it all come together. The station sounded better than we had even imagined. We were so proud, and so excited for every Fresno State student who would have the opportunity to become involved.
It was bittersweet for me, because I was graduating. I was leaving Fresno State and moving to LA. It was like leaving a piece of myself behind. But it didn’t change my pride in the station. Being a founding member of the radio station is one of the things I am most proud of about my time at Fresno State.
I keep in touch with station management, and am partnering with a Fresno State student in producing “The Mindful Alternative” program on Saturday evenings. I’m also proud to serve as an alumnus Content Consultant for the station.
Fresno State students have access to an amazing resource that is the Fresno State Student Webcast.
#fsrunderground, #thetruealternative